Archives for August, 2011


UNC CAUSE 2011 Proposal Accepted

My coworker Brian Hall and I submitted a proposal for UNC CAUSE 2011.  I’m really excited that we were accepted!  Our talk is titled “A Pirate Looks at Forty (Weeks of Mobile Development)“.  We will be talking about our experiences implementing ECU’s mobile web site as well as working with Blackboard Mobile to implement the ECU Mobile App (currently available for iOS and Android, BlackberryOS and WebOS coming soon).


New Theme: Busby

I’ve been saving links to interesting WordPress themes in my Delicious account, and the most recent is a rather impressive theme indeed.  It’s called Busby, and it’s got many advanced features.  I’ve set the basic options, but will want to explore the nifty image slider that’s a default part of the theme.  I also need to come up with a 200x50px logo image.  I’m a tech person, not a graphics designer, so the initial ones are no doubt going to be of rather poor quality.